We Are The Crystal Gems By Steven Universe Kalimba Tabs

Learn to play We Are The Crystal Gems By Steven Universe using our easy Kalimba Tabs Tutorials below. Feel free to download this We Are The Crystal Gems By Steven Universe Kalimba Tabs below.
We are the Crystal Gems
E3+5′ E’3 D’2 C’1 D’2 5’+
B7 We’ll always save the day
5′ E’3 D’2 C’1 B7 C’1
And if you think we can’t
5′ E’3 D’2 C’1 B7 A6
We’ll always find a way
5′ E’3 D’2 C’1 B7 C’1
That’s why the people of this world
5′ E’3 D’2 C’1 D’2 B7 5′ E3
believe in
D’2 D’2 C’1
Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl
E’3 D’2 C’1 D’2 C’1 A6 E’3
and Steven!
D’2 D’2 C’1