Two Voices, One Song Barbie In The Diamond Castle By Gabriel Mann, Jeannie Lurie, Amy Powers Kalimba Tabs

Learn to play Two Voices, One Song Barbie In The Diamond Castle By Gabriel Mann, Jeannie Lurie, Amy Powers using our easy Kalimba Tabs Tutorials below. Feel free to download this Two Voices, One Song Barbie In The Diamond Castle By Gabriel Mann, Jeannie Lurie, Amy Powers Kalimba Tabs below.

c’ a g g a a c e (so rare to find a friend like you)
a a g g a a c e e f d (somehow when you’re around the sky’s always blue)
g f e c g f e c (the way we talk, the things you say)
g f e f e f g g (the way you make it all okay)
g f e c g f e c (and how you know all of my jokes)

g g g a g g (but you laugh anyway)
g a b d’ c’ b d’ (if I could wish for one thing)
g a b d’ c’ c’ b g (I’d take the smile that you bring)
g g a b b b c’ a g a b c’ (wherever you go in this world I’ll come along)
g g a b d’ c’ b d’ (together we dream the same dream)
g g a b d’ c’ c’ b c’ b g (forever I’m here for you, you’re here for me)
g a b g c’ b g a g (oh woah, two voices, one song)

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Alternate chorus (ending might sound a bit funky but it sounds closer to the original I think)
g a c’ e’ d’ c’ d’
g a c’ e’ d’ d’ c’ a
g g a c’ c’ c’ d’ b a b c’ d’
g g a c’ e’ d’ c’ d’
g g a c’ e’ d’ d’ c’ d’ c’ a
g a c’ a d’ c’ g d’ c’

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