Learn to play Toy Soldiers By Martika using our easy Kalimba Tabs Tutorials below. Feel free to download this Toy Soldiers By Martika Kalimba Tabs below.

Tuning: C to C#, D to Eb, F to F#, G to Ab
(257) 75 3 774
(257) 75 3 (1’1) (77.) 3 7.13 7.1

7. (135) 431
Verse 1:
777777777 (2’2) (77.)
77777 (3’3) (2’2) 1’2’1′ 7775
77 77777 (2’2) (77.)
77777 (3’3) (3’5) 2′
34 (135) 554 443
34 (135) 554 123
(77.) 77 (55.) 1′ (77.) 7 (55.)
(257) 75 3 774
(257) 75 3 (1’1) (77.) 3 7.13
7. (135) 431
(257) 75 3 774
(257) 75 3 (1’1) (77.) 543
7. (135) 431
Verse 2:
777777777 (2’2) (77.)
77777 (3’3) (2’2) 1’2’1′ 7775
5’4’3’3′ 1’3’1’3’4′
(5’135) 4’3’3′ 1′ (5’5) 4’3’3′ 1’5’4′
34 (135) 554 443
34 (135) 554 123
(77.) 77 (55.) 1′ (77.) 7 (55.)
Repeat Chorus
(257) 75 3 774
(257) 75 3 (1’1) (77.) 3
7. 5 431

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Arranged & played by Kalimba Om

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