The Kingdom of Dreams-The Sandman Soundtrack (34 key) By David Buckley Kalimba Tabs

Learn to play The Kingdom of Dreams-The Sandman Soundtrack (34 key) By David Buckley using our easy Kalimba Tabs Tutorials below. Feel free to download this The Kingdom of Dreams-The Sandman Soundtrack (34 key) By David Buckley Kalimba Tabs below.

(1′-1-2’#) (1’#-.7-7) (1′-1-2’#)
(1’#-1-2’#) (2-7-4’#) (1′-1-2’#)
(1’1) 6# 6 (.55) 4#
(1’5) 6# 6 (4#2′)
(1’1) 6# 6 (25) 4# (.55)
(61′-2’#) 2′ 1′ (6#5) 6
(1’2’#) 2′ 1′ (5’2′)
(5’# 5#) 2’# 2′ 1′ (6# 6’#) 1′ (2’# 1”) (6# 6’#)

(5’1”) 6’# 6′ (5’2′) 4’#
(1’1”) 6’# 6# (2”4’#)
(2’# 1”) 6’# 6# (5’2′) 4’#
(5’# 2’#) 5′ 4′ (3’7)

3′ 2’# 1’# 7 6#
3′ 2’# 1’# 5′
3′ 2’# 1’# 7 6# 5# 5

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Arranged & played by KalimbaJungle

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