Speechless Sorrows | Sumeru – Genshin Impact By Xin Zhao Kalimba Tabs

Learn to play Speechless Sorrows | Sumeru – Genshin Impact By Xin Zhao using our easy Kalimba Tabs Tutorials below. Feel free to download this Speechless Sorrows | Sumeru – Genshin Impact By Xin Zhao Kalimba Tabs below.
F4,5 to F#
6. 3 3 4 5
5. 7. 3 4 2
(6-6.) 1 (3′-3) 5 (4′-4) (5’3′) 1 3
4′ 3′ (4′-5.) 7. 3 4 2 (2′-7.)
(6-6.) 1 (3′-3) 5 (4′-4) (5’3′) 1 3
4′ 3′ 2′ (3′-5.) 7. 3 4 (7-2)
(6-6.) 1 (3′-3) 5 (4′-4) (5’3′) 1 3
4′ 3′ (4′-5.) 7. 3 4 7. (2′-2)
(3′-1) 1′ 3
(2′-7.) 7 2
5 (6-3) 7 1′ 5′ 1′ (57)
6. 3 7 1′ 5′ 1′ (6-6.)
Arranged & played by ratte_p