On This Day By David Pomeranz Kalimba Tabs

Learn to play On This Day By David Pomeranz using our easy Kalimba Tabs Tutorials below. Feel free to download this On This Day By David Pomeranz Kalimba Tabs below.

(13) 1 1 5 2 2 2 4 6
Here we stand today

(357) 7 7 1′ 1′ 1 3 5
Like we alaways deamed

(61) 6 6 3 5
Starting out our

5 12 (13)
life together
(1’3) 1′ 1′ 5 3 2′ 2 4
Light is in your eyes

(357) 6 5 1 4′ 3′ 3 2′ 1′ 1
Love is in our heart

3 5 (16) 7 1′ 1′
I can’t believe you’re

(357) 5 1′ 3′ 2′ 2 4 1′ 1 3 5
really mine forever

2′ 3′ (4’2) 4′ 3′ 4′
Been rehearsin for this

(3’5) 2′ 2′ 3′ 2′ 2 3 1′
moment all my life

Related Kalimba Post:  Thank You Lord By Don Moen Kalimba Tabs

1′ 2′ (1’3) 5 5
so dont act surprised

2′ 3′ (4’2) 3′ 4′ 4
If the feeling starts

3′ 4′ 3′ (1’3) 3′ (22′) 4 6
to carry me away

(1’3) 5 2′ (3’1) 3 5
on this day

1′ (572′) 1′ 6 6 3 5 1 3
I promise forever

(1’3) 5 5′ (3’1) 3 5
on this day

2′ 3′ (4’2) 3′ 1′ 2′ 2 4 6
I surrender my heart

(1’3) 5 6′ (5’1) 3 5
Here I stand

(1’3) 5 4′ (3’3) 2′ 1′ 1 3
take my hand

1′ (1’3) 7 6 1 7
and i will honor

1′ 2′ (1’3) 5 6′ 5′ 1 3 5
every word that i say

(1’3) 5 7 (131′)
on this day

Arranged & played by Emmy C.

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