Like My Father By Jax Kalimba Tabs

Learn to play Like My Father By Jax using our easy Kalimba Tabs Tutorials below. Feel free to download this Like My Father By Jax Kalimba Tabs below.
3’1’5 3’2’7 5 1’6 3 1’7 5 3
6 4 1 6 5 3 2 5 2 2 6 2’1
5 3’3’3’5’1’1’3.
I wan-na come home to ros-es
6 1’1’1’1’3’7 7 6
And dirt-y lit-tle notes on post – its
5 5 1’1’5 5 1’7
And when my hair starts turn-ing gray
7 7 7 7 7 1’7
He’ll say I’m like a fine wine
6 6 7 1.
bet-ter with age
5 3’3’3’3’5’1’1’3.
I guess I learned it from my par-ents
5 1’1’3’7 7 6
That true love starts with friend-ship
5 5 5 1’1’5 5 1’7
A kiss on a fore-head, a date night
7 7 7 1’7 7 6 6 5 4
Fake an a-pol-o-gy af-ter a fight
6 7 1’7 7 7 1’2’1.
I need a man who’s pa-tient and kind
Gets out of the car and holds the door
6 6 7 1’7
I wan-na slow dance
7 7 7 1’2’1.
in the liv-ing room like
We’re eight-een at sen-ior prom and grow
Old with some-one
who makes me feel young
I need a man who loves me like
5 4’3’2’1’1.
My fa-ther loves my mom
I need a man who loves me like
5 4’3’2’1’1.
My fa-ther loves my mom
Arranged & played by Arabar