Learn to play Like My Father By Jax using our easy Kalimba Tabs Tutorials below. Feel free to download this Like My Father By Jax Kalimba Tabs below.

3’1’5 3’2’7 5 1’6 3 1’7 5 3
6 4 1 6 5 3 2 5 2 2 6 2’1
5 3’3’3’5’1’1’3.
I wan-na come home to ros-es
6 1’1’1’1’3’7 7 6
And dirt-y lit-tle notes on post – its
5 5 1’1’5 5 1’7
And when my hair starts turn-ing gray
7 7 7 7 7 1’7
He’ll say I’m like a fine wine
6 6 7 1.
bet-ter with age
5 3’3’3’3’5’1’1’3.
I guess I learned it from my par-ents
5 1’1’3’7 7 6
That true love starts with friend-ship
5 5 5 1’1’5 5 1’7
A kiss on a fore-head, a date night
7 7 7 1’7 7 6 6 5 4
Fake an a-pol-o-gy af-ter a fight

6 7 1’7 7 7 1’2’1.
I need a man who’s pa-tient and kind
Gets out of the car and holds the door
6 6 7 1’7
I wan-na slow dance
7 7 7 1’2’1.
in the liv-ing room like
We’re eight-een at sen-ior prom and grow
Old with some-one
who makes me feel young
I need a man who loves me like
5 4’3’2’1’1.
My fa-ther loves my mom

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I need a man who loves me like
5 4’3’2’1’1.
My fa-ther loves my mom

Arranged & played by Arabar

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