Learn to play Kailan By MYMP using our easy Kalimba Tabs Tutorials below. Feel free to download this Kailan By MYMP Kalimba Tabs below.

1’2’3’3′ 2’2’1’2′
71’2’2′ 3’1’71’
2’71’6′ 71’7 67

3452 12 13
3452 12 13

3451’2′ 1’2′ 1’2′
56 55563 2324
44563 2324
44561’2′ 4’3’2’2’1′

1’2’3’3′ 2’2’1’2′
71’2’2′ 3’1’71’
71’7 67

3452 12 13
3452 12 13
3451’2′ 1’2′ 1’2′

56 55563 2324
44563 2324
44561’2′ 4’3’2’2’1′

1’2’3’3′ 2’2’1’2′
71’2’2′ 3’1’71’
2’71’6′ 71’7 67

51′ 3’2’1’7 1’2′ 55
54′ 5’3’1′
671’2′ 75 2’1′
567’7 67

51′ 3’2’1’7 1’2′ 55
54′ 5’3’1′
671’2′ 75 2’1′
2’4’3’2’1′ 71′

Related Kalimba Post:  Rock a bye Baby Kalimba Tabs

Arranged & played by Leslie Mae Ayson

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