Je Te Laisserai Des Mots By Patrick Watson Kalimba Tabs

Learn to play Je Te Laisserai Des Mots By Patrick Watson using our easy Kalimba Tabs Tutorials below. Feel free to download this Je Te Laisserai Des Mots By Patrick Watson Kalimba Tabs below.

Tuning: F—# F

1(35)(35) 1(35)(35) 1(35)(35) 1(35)(35)

3′ 2’1′ 65 3′ 6′ 5’4′
1(35)(35) 1(35)(35) 1(35)(35) 1(35)(35)

5′ 3′ 3′ 6′ 3′
1(35)(35) 1(35)(35) 1(35)(35) 1(35)(35)

5′ 4’5’4′ 3’4’3′ 3′ 6′ 5’4′
3(57)(57) 2(46)(46) 3(57)(57) 3(57)(57)

5′ 4’5’4′ 3’4’3′ 3′ 5′ 6′

3(57)(57) 2(46)(46) 3(57)(57) 3(57)(57)
7′ 6’6′ 6’6’6′ 3′ 5′ 6’5′
3(57)(57) 2 (46)(46) 3(57)(57) 3(57)(57)

7′ 5′ 6’6′ 6’6’6′ 6’7’6′ 5′
3(57)(57) 2 (46)(46) 3(57)(57) 3 (57)(57)

Related Kalimba Post:  Lead me Lord By Gary Valenciano Kalimba Tabs

6’5′ 5′ 5’4′ 5’6’7’6’5′
3(57)(57) 3(57)(57) 2(46)(46) 2 (46) (46)

6’5′ 5′ 5’6′ 5′(4’6′)7′ 6’5′
3(57)(57) 3(57)(57) 2(46)(46) 2 (46)(46)

6’5′ 5′ 5’4′ 5′
3(57)(57) 3(57)(57) 2(46)(46) 2(46)(46)

2 6 5
2’72’72’7 2’72’72’7 2’72’72’7 2’72’72’7

7′ 6′ 5′
2’72’72’7 646464 535353 3 5 6

7′ (4’6)5′ 6’7’6′ 5’5′ 3′ 5′ 6’5′
57 4 6 2′ 3573 6

7′ (4’6)5′ 6’7’6′ 5’5′ 3′ 2′
57 4 6 2′ 3573 2

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