Hopelessly Devoted To You By Olivia Newton-John Kalimba Tabs

Learn to play Hopelessly Devoted To You By Olivia Newton-John using our easy Kalimba Tabs Tutorials below. Feel free to download this Hopelessly Devoted To You By Olivia Newton-John Kalimba Tabs below.

7′ = 6#’
3” = 5#’

Numbered Notation:
(62’4′) 3′ (2’4′) (5’3′) (2’4′) 3′
(72′) (3’6)

6′ (7’2’4′)6′ 5′ (7’2’4′)
6′ 5′(7’2’4′) 6′ (7’2’4′) 6′(5’3’1”)
2” (1’4’6′) 5′ 4′ (3’1’6′)
(1’6′)3”6′ 3”(1’6′)(2”6′) 2”(7’2’4′)
6′ 5′ (7’2’4′)
(7’2’4′)6’7′ 1”(3’6′)(3’6′) 2′(62’4′)
(64′) 5′ 4′ (2’4’6′) 5′ 4′ (62′)

Lettered Notation:
(AD’F’) E’ (D’F’) (G’E’) (D’F’) E’
(BD’) (E’A)
A’ (B’D’F’)A’ G’ (B’D’F’)
A’ G'(B’D’F’) A’ (B’D’F’) A'(G’E’C”)
D” (C’F’A’) G’ F’ (E’C’A’)
(C’A’)E”A’ E”(C’A’)(D”A’) D”(B’D’F’)
A’ G’ (B’D’F’)
(B’D’F’)A’B’ C”(E’A’)(E’A’) D'(AD’F’)
(AF’) G’ F’ (D’F’A’) G’ F’ (AD’)

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Arranged & played by jxo

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