Learn to play Home Sick By Dua Lipa using our easy Kalimba Tabs Tutorials below. Feel free to download this Home Sick By Dua Lipa Kalimba Tabs below.

Number Tabs:

Here where the sky’s falling to – when the rain stops then darling what will I do?

(5’1) 4′ 3′ 3′ (1’1) 6
6 (3’5) 4′ (5’7) (4’4)
6 (5’5) 4′ 3′ 3′ (1’1)

6 (3’5) 4′ 5′ (4’6)
When the rain Stops the darling to – But why do I?

3′ 4′ (5’1) 4′ (3’1)
(1’1) (61) 3′ 4′ 5′ (4’4)
3′ 4’5′ (4’4) 6 3′ (1’1)
6 6 7′ 5′ 4′ 6 7′

Main Chorus (You give me a reason something to believe in…)
( Repeat this 3 times, if you are playing the whole song)

Related Kalimba Post:  Pipa Language Kalimba Tabs

3′ 3’3′ 3′ 4′ 3′
2’2′ 2’2′ 3′ 2′
1′ 5 4 5 4 5

But I wish I was there with you, oh I wish I was there with you :
(Repeat 2 times if playing the whole song)

6 6 (1’1) 3’3′ 5 4 5 4

To end I prefer to just play this : 3′

Letter Tabs:

Here where the sky’s falling to – when the rain stops then darling what will I do?

(G’C) F’ E’ E’ (C’C) A
A (E’G) F’ (G’B) (F’F)
A (G’G) F’ E’ E’ (C’C)
A (E’G) F’ G’ (F’A)

When the Rain stops then darling – But why do I?

E’ F’ (G’C) F’ (E’C)
(C’C) (AC) E’ F’ G’ (F’F)
E’ F’G’ (F’F) A E’ (C’C)
A A B’ G’ F’ A B’

Related Kalimba Post:  Sour By The Rose Kalimba Tabs

Main Chorus (You give me a reason something to believe in…)
( Repeat this 3 times, if you are playing the whole song)

E’ E’E’ E’ F’ E’
D’D’ D’D’ E’ D’
C’ G F G F G

But I wish I was there with you, oh I wish I was there with you :
(Repeat 2 times if playing the whole song)

A A (C’C) E’E’ G F G F

To end I prefer to just play this : E’

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