Heavenly By Cigarettes After Sex Kalimba Tabs

Learn to play Heavenly By Cigarettes After Sex using our easy Kalimba Tabs Tutorials below. Feel free to download this Heavenly By Cigarettes After Sex Kalimba Tabs below

7 1’2’3’7 1’2’3′
7 1’2’3’7 1’2’3′
Wanting your love to come into me
7 7 7 1’2’2’2’3′

Feeling it slow, over this dream
7 7 7 1’2’2’2’3′

Touch me with a kiss, touch me with a kiss
7 1’2’2’2’3’7 1’2’2’2’3′

Now you’re above feeling it still
7 7 7 1’2’2’2’3′

Tell me it’s love, tell me it’s real
7 7 7 1’2’2’2’3′

Touch me with a kiss, feel me on your lips
7 1’2’2’2’3’7 1’2’2’2’3′

Because this is where I want to be
2’1’1’1’7 6 2’2’1′

Where it’s so sweet & heavenly
7 1’1’1’7 6 2’2’1′

Related Kalimba Post:  Skinny Love By Birdy (8 Key) Kalimba Tabs

I’m giving you all my love
7 1’1’1’3’1′
7 7 7 2’7
6 6 6 2’7 1′

I’m giving you all my love
7 7 7 2’7
6 6 6 2’7 1′

3’2’1’1’3’1’7 7 2’7 6 6 2’7 1′
1’1’3’1’7 7 2’7 6 6 2’7 1′

& when you’re far away I still feel it all
2’1’2’1’2’1’7 7 7 7 7 7 1′

& when you’re far away I still feel it all the same…
2’1’2’1’2’1’7 7 7 7 7 1′

2’1’2’1’2’1’1’2’7 6 5 7

1’3’1’7 2’7 6 2’7 1′
1’3’1’7 2’7 6 2’7 1′

7 1’1’1’3’1’7 7 7 2’7 6 6 6 2’7 1′
1’1’1’3’1’7 7 7 2’7 6 6 6 2’7 1’3’2’1′

Arranged & played by Kalimba Tabs And Tutorials

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