Greenfields By The Brothers Four Kalimba Tabs

Learn to play Greenfields By The Brothers Four using our easy Kalimba Tabs Tutorials below. Feel free to download this Greenfields By The Brothers Four Kalimba Tabs below.
No tuning needed
7’3’1′ 6’3’1′ 7’3’1′ 6’3’1′
5’1’6 4’1’6 3’75 2’1’7
Verse 1:
(246) 35 1’6 (3’3) (2’2) 461′
1’61’7 357
(246) 35 1’6 (5’5) (4’4) 61′
4′(3’3)1′ 2’3′ (2’2) 572′
(6’2) 461′ 7’6′ (7’357) 7′ 72′
6′ (5’135) 5′ 57 6’5’6′ 246
(4’2) 461′ 5’4′ (5’135) 5′ 57
4′ (3’3) 2′ 1’2′ (3’3) 572′
(246) 35 5’4′ (3’3) 6 35
7 (461′)3 2’1’6
1’3’6′ 3’1′ (246) 1’3’6′ 3’1′
(246) 6 3 56 246
5 (246) 5 453 123
(246) 6 6 56 246
5 (246) 5 453 123
(461′) 1′ 1 71′ 135
7 (461′) 7 654 123
(3’1) 1′ 3 2’3′ (2’2) 2′ 46
(2’2) 7 4 6 1’2′ (3’3) 572′
(246) 35 5’4′ (3’3) 6 35
7 (461′)3 2’1’6
(7’7)3’1′ (6’6)3’1′ (7’7)3’1′ (6’6)3’1′
(5’5)1’6 (4’4)1’6 (3’3)75 (2’2)1’7 (63)
Arranged & played by Kalimba Om