Gardenia By Malice Mizer Kalimba Tabs

Learn to play Gardenia By Malice Mizer using our easy Kalimba Tabs Tutorials below. Feel free to download this Gardenia By Malice Mizer Kalimba Tabs below.

Instructions for understanding the notations:
( ) = You play these notes at once
~ = This note is long or you wait a while to play the next one


(2′ 4′) 6 4′ 3′ 4′ 2′ 1’~
1′ 1’~ 1′ 2’~2′ 1’~~
6 1′ 2′ 1′ 2′ 3′ 6 3′ 4′
4′ 6 4′ 3′ 4′ 3′ 2′
1’~ 1’1’1′ 1’~ 1′ 2’~ 2′ 1’~~
6 1′ 2′ 1′ 5′ 4′ 3′ (4′ 2′) 2’~ 2′ 1′ 2’~~
4′ 6 4′ 3′ 4′ 3′ 2′ 1’~
1′ 1’~ 2’~ 2′ 1′
6 6 ~ 6 1′ 2′ 1′ 2′ 4′ 6
4’~ 4′ 3′ ( 4′ 3′)

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