Friend By Gracie Abrams Kalimba Tabs

Learn to play Friend By Gracie Abrams using our easy Kalimba Tabs Tutorials below. Feel free to download this Friend By Gracie Abrams Kalimba Tabs below.
all A’s to Ab, D’s to Db, F’s to Eb & G’s to F#
(6-3) 3’3’4’3′ 7-6 7 // 2’2’72’ 6-3 6
pictures of the old us got me feelin’ older
(6-3) 4’3’4’3′ 7-6 7 // 72’72’ 6-3 6
I just thought you should know I never wanted closure
663 674 65’3-2
but you had no problem leavin’
63 674 7 6′-6 2′ 3′-5
now I’m the one to feel it
3′-3 3’3’3’6’3′ // 4′-3 4’4’4’5’4′
I just can’t believe you don’t know what I’m feeling
2′-3 2’2’2’2′ 76
guess you got the best of this
3′-3 3’3’3’6’3′ // 4′-3 4’4’4’5’4′
pickin’ up the pieces, you just wanna leave ’em
2′-3 2’2’2’2′ 76
killing me a little bit
3’3′ 7′-3 6’6’5’5′-3 7
and I hate the way you love me
3’3′ 2”-3 6’6’5’5′
and I hate that I still care
3′-3 3’3’3’6’3′
funny how you feel like
4′-3 4’4’4’6’4’2′ 2
we would ever talk again
3’3’3’3’3′-3 1’75 6-3
how could you think I’d be your friend
Arranged & played by wini wose