Everything Stays By Adventure Time Kalimba Tabs

Learn to play Everything Stays By Adventure Time using our easy Kalimba Tabs Tutorials below. Feel free to download this Everything Stays By Adventure Time Kalimba Tabs below.

7 2′ 7 2′ 7 5

7 2′ 3′ 5′ 7′ 6′

6′ 5′ 6′ 7′ 6′

5′ 3′ 2′ 7 2′ 6

7 2′ 7 2′ 7 5

(5 7) 2′ 3′ 5′ 7′ 6′

5′ 6′ 5′ 6′ 7′ 6′ 5′

3′ 2′ 7 2′ 3′ 6′


7′ 6′ (5′ 2′) 6′


7′ 6′ 5′ 5′ (3′ 3″)

5′ 6′ 5′ 2′ (6′ 2”)

(5′ 2′) (7 2′) (2′ 6′) (3′ 6′) 5′


7′ 6′ 5′ (5′ 1′) 3′

Related Kalimba Post:  Favorite Girl By Justin Bieber 8-Keys Kalimba Tabs

7′ 6′ 5′ (5′ 7′) 2′

7 2′ 3′ 6

5 7 6 5 3 7

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