Learn to play Can I Have This Dance By High School Musical 3 using our easy Kalimba Tabs Tutorials below. Feel free to download this Can I Have This Dance By High School Musical 3 Kalimba Tabs below.

C’ E’ (E’C)EGC C’ E’ (E’C)EGC

Take my hand, take a breath

C’ E’ (E’C)EGC E’ D’ C’ D’- GBD’

Pull me close and take one step

C’ E’ (E’C)EGC G’-E E’ C’-CE

Keep your eyes locked to mine

C’ C’ D’ (E’E)D’-G (E’E)D-G (E’E)D-BG

And let the music be your guide

A B (C’C)E

Won’t you pro-

C’ G’ G’ G’ C’ C’-C

(Now won’t you promise me?)

Related Kalimba Post:  Lonely By Justin Bieber & Benny Blanco Kalimba Tabs

D’ C’ D’ E’ D’ C’-E

That you’ll never forget

G’ G’ (A’FAC’)G’ E’ (F’F) F’ F’ F’ F’-C’

To keep dancing wherever we go next

G (G’C) (G’E)G’ G’ E’

It’s like catching lightning

C’ (G’C)(G’E) G’ G’ E’ C'(G’C)EG (A’F)AC’ D’-GB(GBD’)

The chances of finding someone like you

C’ (G’C)(G’E) G’G’E’ C’ (G’C)(G’E) G’G’E’

It’s one in a million, the chances to feeling

C’ (G’C)EG (A’FAC’) D’-GB(GBD’)

The way we do

A’ B’ (C”F)AC’E’-C’A (A’C) G’ G’ A’-C

And with every step together

A’ B’ (C”F)AC’E’-C’A (E’C) D’ D’ E’-G

We just keep on getting better

C’ D’ (F’FAC’) E’ C’ D’-GB(GBD’)

Related Kalimba Post:  Let Her Go By Passenger Kalimba Tabs

So can I have this dance?

C’ (F’FAC’) E’ C’ (D’F) (C’CEG)

Can I have this dance?

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