Learn to play Bubble Gum By Clairo using our easy Kalimba Tabs Tutorials below. Feel free to download this Bubble Gum By Clairo Kalimba Tabs below.

C4 ~ C4 C5 ~ C5
D4 ~ C#4 D5 ~ C#5
E4 ~ D#4 E5 ~ D#5

F4 ~ F4 F5 ~ F5
G4 ~ G4 G5 ~ G5
A4 ~ G#4 A5 ~ G#5
B4 ~ A#4 B5 ~ A#5
2′-4 5-7 1′-6
2′-4 5-7 6-1

1′-4 77 6-3 1’71’ 1
sorry I didn’t kiss you
67 1′-4 77 5-2 6 6 1
but it’s obvious that I wanted to
1′-4 77 6-3 1’7
bubble gum down my throat
1′ 1′-1 71′ 1
and it’s a curse
67 1′-4 766 5-2 66 1
but my luck couldn’t get any worse

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67 1′-4 7 3′ 1′-5 76 1
’cause I swallowed the bubble gum
676 1′-4 773’1′ 7-2 66 1
oh, and these seven years will be pretty dumb
1′-4 7 6-3 1’7 6-1 6
pink flowers grow from my skin
1′-4 77 3′ 1′-5 761 6-1
Pepto Bismol veins and I grin

2′-4 5-7 1′-6
2′-4 5-7 6-1

Arranged & played by wini wose

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