Learn to play Blowing In The Wind By Bob Dylan using our easy Kalimba Tabs Tutorials below. Feel free to download this Blowing In The Wind By Bob Dylan Kalimba Tabs below.

Tuning: F to F#
5671′ 1’76 2567 2’6 2 2’5
2571′ 1’76 6545

Verse 1:
(572′) 2’2’3′ 3’3’2′ 765
7 (2’2) 2’2′ (3’3) 2’1’2′ 2524
71′(572′) 2’2’3′ 3’3’2′ 765
7 (2’2) 2’7(1’1) 1’76 2524
671′ 1’76 2467 77 65
3571′ 1’76 65 245
Verse 2:
(572′) 2’2’3′ 3’3’2′ 765
7 (2’2) 2’2′ (3’3) 2’1’2′ 2524
71′(572′) 2’2’3′ 3’3’2′ 765
7 (2’2) 2’7(1’1) 1’76 2524
5671′ 1’76 2567 2’6 2 2’5
2571′ 1’76 6545
Repeat Verse 2
5671′ 1’76 2567 2’6 2 2’5
2571′ 1’76 6545
671′ 1’76 65 245

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Arranged & played by Kalimba Om

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