Avatar: The Last Airbender – Love is in your Heart (Nomad Songs) Kalimba Tabs

Learn to play Avatar: The Last Airbender – Love is in your Heart (Nomad Songs) using our easy Kalimba Tabs Tutorials below. Feel free to download this Avatar: The Last Airbender – Love is in your Heart (Nomad Songs) Kalimba Tabs below.

🌵TABS – Number notation🌵
tuning: all 1s to 1#/2b, all 5s to 5#, all 4s to 4#

3′-1′-6-3 3′ 3′ 4# 3′ 2′ 1#’-1# (even if you are lost you can’t)

3′-1′-6-1#-3 3′ 3′ 2′ 17 2′ 3′ 4#’ 2′-2 (lose the love because is in your heart )
2 4# 6
6′-6 5#’ 4#’-4# 5#’ 4#’ 3′-3


2′ 3′-1#’-6-3 3′ 3′ 4# 3′ 2′ 1#’-1# (’cause even when you lose your way)
3′-1′-6-1#-3 3′ 3′ 2′ 1# 2′ 3′ 4#’ 2′ (Love will burn the brightest in the dark)
2 4# 6
6′-6 5#’ 4#’-4# 5#’ 4#’ 3′-3
2′ 3′-1#’-6-3 3′ 3′ 2′ 3′ 2′ 1#’-1# (when you are lost you can’t forget)
3′-1#’-6-3 3′ 3′ 2′-2 6 2′ 1#’ 6 7 1#’ (those who love you will bend all the pain away)
2 4# 6

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4#’-2′-7-4# 4#’ 4#’-4# 4#’ 4#’ 3′ 3′ 1#’-1# (and even if the path gets lonely)
2 4# 6
4#-2′-7-4# 4#’ 4#’-4# 4#’ 4#’ 4#’-6 4#’ (and even when the road gets dark..)
5#’ 6′-6 4#’ 3′ 1#’-1# (…and you can’t see)
4# 6
1#’ 7-5#-3-7! 7 7 7 1#’-1# (just remember what you hold)
2′ 7 7 7 7 1#’ 2′ 1#’ 7-5#-3-7! (remember what you started with)

repeat PART 1, PART 2 and PART 3, then….

6! 1# 3 5# 7 1#’

(Those tabs with “!” are to be played on a 21 kalimba, they are base notes, they are not necessary for the melody so if you have 17 key kalimbas you can just ignore them)

🌵TABS – Letter notation🌵
tuning: all Cs to C#/Db, all Gs to G#, Fs to F#

E’-C’-A-E E’ E’ F# E’ D’ C#’-C# (Even if you are lost you can’t)
E’-C’-A-C#-E E’ E’ D’ Cb D’ E’ F#’ D’-D (lose the love because is in your heart )
D F# A
A’-A G#’ F#’-F# G#’ F#’ E’-E

Related Kalimba Post:  It’s showtime! By Toby Fox Kalimba Tabs

D’ E’-C#’-A-E E’ E’ F# E’ D’ C#’-C# (‘Cause even when you lose your way)
E’-C’-A-C#-E E’ E’ D’ C# D’ E’ F#’ D’ (Love will burn the brightest in the dark)
D F# A
A’-A G#’ F#’-F# G#’ F#’ E’-E

D’ E’-C#’-A-E E’ E’ D’ E’ D’ C#’-C# (when you are lost you can’t forget)
E’-C#’-A-E E’ E’ D’-D A D’ C#’ A B C#’ (those who love you will ben all the pain away)
D F# A

F#’-D’-B-F# F#’ F#’-F# F#’ F#’ E’ E’ C#’-C# (and even if the path gets lonely)
D F# A
F#-D’-B-F# F#’ F#’-F# F#’ F#’ F#’-A F#’ (and even when the road gets dark..)
G#’ A’-A F#’ E’ C#’-C# (…and you can’t see)
F# A
C#’ B-G#-E-B! B B B C#’-C# (just remember what you hold)
D’ B B B B C#’ D’ C#’ B-G#-E-B! (remember what you started with)

repeat PART 1, PART 2 and PART 3, then….

A! C# E G# B C#’

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