As the World Caves In By Matt Maltese Kalimba Tabs

Learn to play As the World Caves In By Matt Maltese using our easy Kalimba Tabs Tutorials below. Feel free to download this As the World Caves In By Matt Maltese Kalimba Tabs below.
5 (3-5) 5 5 3
My feet are a-ching
5 (3-5) 4 4 3 4
And your back is pre-tty tired
3 2 (1-3) 2 3 2 3 2 3
And we’ve drunk a coup-le bott-les, babe
3 (1-3) 2 2 1 2
And set our grief a-side
1 3 5 5 3 5 3
The papers say it’s dooms-day
5 (3-5) 4 4 3 4
The but-ton has been pressed
3 3 2 (1-3) 2 3 2 3 2
We’re gon-na nuke each o-ther up boys
3 3 (1-3) 2 2 1 2
‘Til old Sa—-tan stands im-pressed
6 6 5 6 1′ (3′-3-5-7) 7 7 5 5
And here it is, our fi———nal night a-live
3 5 3 (3-5) 6 7 1′ 3
And as the earth runs to the ground
6 7 1′ (3′-4) 2′ 1′ (3′-7) 2′
Oh girl, it’s you that I lie with
7 5 (3′-3) 2′ 1′ 6 1′ 2′
As the a—-tom bomb locks in
3′ 3′ 2′ (6-1′) 1′ 6 5 (3′-7) 2′
Oh, it’s you I watch T-V with
1′ 5 (3′-3-5) 2′ 1′ (3′-5-7) 2′ (1′-1)
As the world, as the world caves in
1 3 5 5 3 5 3
You put your fi-nal suit on
5 (3-5) 4 4 3 4
I paint my fin-ger-nails
3 2 (1-3) 2 3 2 3 2
Oh, we’re go–ing out in style, babe
3 (1-3) 2 2 1 2
And e—very-thing’s on sale
1 3 5 5 3 5 3
We creep up on ex-tinc-tion
5 (5-3) 4 4 3 4
I pull your arms right in
3 2 (1-3) 2 3 2 3 2
I weep and say good-night, love
3 3 (1-3) 2 2 1 2
While my or–gans pack it i
6 6 5 6 1′ (3′-3-5-7) 2′ 2′ 7 5
And here it is, our fi———nal night a-live
3 5 3 (3-5) 6 7 1′ 3
And as the earth runs to the ground
6 7 1′ (3′-4) 2′ 1′ (3′-7) 2′
Oh girl, it’s you that I lie with
7 5 (3′-3) 2′ 1′ 6 3′ 2′
As the a—-tom bomb locks in
3′ 3′ 2′ (6-1′) 1′ 6 5 (3′-7) 2′
Oh, it’s you I watch T-V with
1′ 5 (3′-3-5) 2′ 1′ (3′-5-7) 2′ (1’-1)
As the world, as the world caves in
Arranged & Played By MM Silva