A Distant Promise (Marle’s Theme) Chrono Trigger By Yasunori Mitsuda Kalimba Tabs

Learn to play A Distant Promise (Marle’s Theme) Chrono Trigger By Yasunori Mitsuda using our easy Kalimba Tabs Tutorials below. Feel free to download this A Distant Promise (Marle’s Theme) Chrono Trigger By Yasunori Mitsuda Kalimba Tabs below

5 (1351′)
1′ (2462′)
5′ (3573′) 5 1′ 4′ 3′ 2′

(361′) 1′ (2462′)
6 1′ (461′)
6 (135)
5′ 5′ (6’3’5′) 4′ 3′ (2464′)
4′ (461’4′) 3′ 2′ (3573′)
5 3′ (572′)
5 5′ (461′)
5 1′ (357)
5 3′ (246) }
6 (135)
1′ 5′ 5′ 4′ 3′ (461′)
2′ (11′) 4 5 1′ 4 5 (1351′)

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