Home Sick By Dua Lipa Kalimba Tabs
Learn to play Home Sick By Dua Lipa using our easy Kalimba Tabs Tutorials below. Feel free to download this Home Sick By Dua Lipa Kalimba Tabs below.
Number Tabs:
Here where the sky’s falling to – when the rain stops then darling what will I do?
(5’1) 4′ 3′ 3′ (1’1) 6
6 (3’5) 4′ (5’7) (4’4)
6 (5’5) 4′ 3′ 3′ (1’1)
6 (3’5) 4′ 5′ (4’6)
When the rain Stops the darling to – But why do I?
3′ 4′ (5’1) 4′ (3’1)
(1’1) (61) 3′ 4′ 5′ (4’4)
3′ 4’5′ (4’4) 6 3′ (1’1)
6 6 7′ 5′ 4′ 6 7′
Main Chorus (You give me a reason something to believe in…)
( Repeat this 3 times, if you are playing the whole song)
3′ 3’3′ 3′ 4′ 3′
2’2′ 2’2′ 3′ 2′
1′ 5 4 5 4 5
But I wish I was there with you, oh I wish I was there with you :
(Repeat 2 times if playing the whole song)
6 6 (1’1) 3’3′ 5 4 5 4
To end I prefer to just play this : 3′
Letter Tabs:
Here where the sky’s falling to – when the rain stops then darling what will I do?
(G’C) F’ E’ E’ (C’C) A
A (E’G) F’ (G’B) (F’F)
A (G’G) F’ E’ E’ (C’C)
A (E’G) F’ G’ (F’A)
When the Rain stops then darling – But why do I?
E’ F’ (G’C) F’ (E’C)
(C’C) (AC) E’ F’ G’ (F’F)
E’ F’G’ (F’F) A E’ (C’C)
A A B’ G’ F’ A B’
Main Chorus (You give me a reason something to believe in…)
( Repeat this 3 times, if you are playing the whole song)
E’ E’E’ E’ F’ E’
D’D’ D’D’ E’ D’
C’ G F G F G
But I wish I was there with you, oh I wish I was there with you :
(Repeat 2 times if playing the whole song)
A A (C’C) E’E’ G F G F
To end I prefer to just play this : E’