Learn to play What a Beautiful Name It Is By Hillsong Worship using our easy Kalimba Tabs Tutorials below. Feel free to download this What a Beautiful Name It Is By Hillsong Worship Kalimba Tabs below.

Note: TUNE ALL C to C# and ALL F to F#

F’ F’ F’ (F’-F) E’ (E’-E) D’ (B-D’) (A-F)
You were the Word at the beginning
(F’-F) A’ (B-B’) A’ (G’-G) F’
One with God the Lord Most High
D’ F’ F’ (F’-F) E’ (E’-E) D’ (B-D’) (G-B)
Your hidden glory in creation
(F’-F) A’ (B-B’) A’ (G’-G) F’ E’-(CE)
Now revealed in You our Christ

G’ G’ (G’-G) G’ G’ (G’-G) F’ (F’-F)
What a beautiful Name it is
F’ F’ (F’-F) F’ F’ (F’-F) E’ (E’-E)
What a beautiful Name it is
G’ G’ G’ (G’-G) F’ (E’-E) D’ (G-B)
The Name of Jesus Christ my King
G’ G’ (G’-G) G’ G’ F’ (F’-F)
What a beautiful Name it is
D’ E’ F’ A’ A’ (A’-A) D’ ( E’C’)
Nothing compares to this
G’ G’ (G’-G) G’ G’ (G’-G) F’ (BD’F’)
What a beautiful Name it is
F’ (E’-E) (F’-F) (E’-C) (D’-A)
The Name of Jesus

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